In this meditation, we are taking a journey to invite our emotions in. Turnings towards our emotions.
You can see emotions as visitors, or guests, that are just passing through.
Usually we don’t let them in, or we’re not very nice to them, and this makes our relationship with these guests worse.
“I don’t want to feel this”
“I shouldn’t be angry”
“I hate that I feel this way.”
That just pisses our guests off, and they stay there knocking on the door, while we turn our backs on them.
Instead, we’re going to have tea with them in a practice called RAIN.
- * Recognize
- * Allow
- * Investigate
- * Nurture
We’re going to invite them in for a cup of tea and welcome them like a friend we haven’t seen in a long time.
When we let them in and be kind, without judging them, we can hear what they have to tell us.
And then when they’re ready, and once you’ve got the message, those emotions will say thanks and head on out.
Enjoy :)