We often "jump right into" the meeting or our to-do list for the day.
We rarely take a moment to pause and become present before diving into action.
As a result, we can often feel like we're rushing, not really enjoying what we're doing, and are more likely to make a mistake or go in circles.
Even when we do finish what we have to do, there’s often a feeling like it's not enough.
Ironically, when we take just five minutes to slow down and be present, our actions become more effortless, clear, and effective. Simple, right?
I recorded a 10-minute guided meditation for you called "Moving Slow to Move Fast," which you can bring into your day.
Once you get the hang of it, a pause of 1-2 minutes before and after meetings can do wonders to bring you back into the present.
Consistency is key.
Enjoy 😊